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睿動校園活動計劃 | WISE HK: School Outreach Program 2023

睿動學校拓展計劃 – 講座與工作坊

睿動香港正式推出學校拓展計劃,現誠邀各校與本會一同分享運動的喜悅和樂趣。 睿動香港是香港認可的慈善機構(IR No.91/16449)。我們透過體育運動致力促進和鼓勵女性參與運動,並倡導提升女性在體育領域的領導地位。 

運動對我們的身心發展有莫大益處,除了能有助學生強身健體,亦能為學生提供一個舒緩壓力的途徑,帶來正面的影響。 睿動香港為初中及高中同學設計了多種工作坊,涵蓋不同與運動相關議題。主題內容如運動與職涯規劃和領導、自我形象、從運動中學習英語等可根據不同學生的需要作出調整。通過工作坊及講座,學生可以對運動議題有更深入的認識並養成良好運動習慣。計劃內容與學校正向教育、健康校園、發展天賦才能等價值及發展方向相符,可以為學生帶來啟發及反思,有利個人成長。


關於更多此計劃詳請,請參閱隨件的小冊子。除了小冊子內的工作坊主題以外, 我們亦非常樂意與您們探討更多不同教學內容,以切合貴 學生的學習需要 。

感謝您撥空閱讀,若對我們的計劃內容有興趣或任何疑問,歡迎電郵至 wise@wisewomenhk.org 與我們聯絡。期待與您們的合作,謝謝!

Women In Sports Empowered Hong Kong Limited: School Outreach Program

Women In Sports Empowered Hong Kong Limited (WISE) officially launched the school expansion plan, and we sincerely invite teachers and students from schools to join us and share the joy and fun of sports for the health and positive development of students. WISE is a charity registered in Hong Kong with tax file number IR91/16449. Through sports, we are committed to promoting and encouraging women’s participation in sports and advocating for women’s leadership in sports.

Sports are beneficial to our physical and mental development. In addition to helping students strengthen their bodies, it can also provide students with a way to relieve stress and bring positive effects. WISE has designed a variety of workshops for students with topics such as sports and career planning and leadership, learning English through sports, etc. can be adjusted according to the needs of different students. Through workshops and lectures, students can gain a deeper understanding of sports issues and develop good sports habits. The content of the workshop is consistent with the value and development direction of schools, such as positive education, a healthy campus, and the development of talents. It can bring inspiration and reflection to students and is conducive to personal growth.

Sports workshops and lectures can be held in the classroom or after school, such as PE classes, weekly meetings, or extracurricular activities. We also encourage cooperation across teaching departments, combining PE and English, career planning, and extracurricular activities. In the past, WISE has cooperated with local schools, international schools, and educational institutions. This year, WISE is also honored to be selected by the South China Morning Post and Radio Television Hong Kong as one of the beneficiaries of “Operation Santa Claus 2022”.

For more information, please refer to the accompanying booklet. In addition to the workshop topics in the booklet, we are also very happy to discuss with you more different teaching contents to meet the learning needs of your students. If your school is interested in our program or has any questions, please email us at wise@wisewomenhk.org. Looking forward to cooperating with you!

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