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We’re looking for volunteers!

15 June 2017:

We’re nearing the 6-month anniversary of launching WISE HK. Thank you for all your support so far; it’s been such an incredible journey.

We want to keep growing, to put on more events and continue our interview series over the many months ahead. We also have many ideas and initiatives that we want to start over the next few and even years to come — but we can’t do them without you! Like we just released our first video profiling women in sports in HK.

SO. We’re looking for a team of 3 – 4 volunteers to help us grow WISE HK to the next level. If you want to be involved, if you have the time, the passion and the dedication to work with us to build a larger community of women in sports in HK and to help us champion sports for women and girls, carry on reading below and contact us or email Alicia (wise@wisewomenhk.com) to let us know what you’re interested in!

We are looking for:

  1. Social Media + Digital Marketing Influencer
  2. Events Coordinator
  3. Website + Database Builder
  4. Projects + Initiatives Coordinator

All positions will be based in Hong Kong. Most of the work can be done from home, but expect a catchup once to twice a month in person or via phone and emails in between. We’re looking for approximately 3 – 4 hours a week commitment and more, if you have the availability and the desire. Think of yourself as being in a “start-up” (albeit we’re not-for-profit): we need team members who are proactive, nimble, curious, willing to learn, full of ideas and can take projects and just run with it. And, being part of a new team, effective written and verbal communication skills will be important, as well as a can-do and willing-to-try attitude. Expect some fluidity to the below descriptions as things evolve and change, so a degree of patience and tolerance of no structure may be needed. What we lack in financial compensation, we do provide a dynamic opportunity for you to work on personal growth, to build skills that you want to build, a platform to showcase your work, excitement in building a community and … baked goodies every now and then!

1. Social Media + Digital Marketing Influencer: You’ll be responsible for our social media and digital marketing strategy and activities that will grow WISE HK’s audience via our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels. This may include helping us come up with fun media and marketing campaigns to raise awareness for WISE HK and the content that we’ve produced, but also awareness of our events and projects. This role is really about community engagement through social and digital media.

2. Events Coordinator: By end of June 2017 we’ll have launched two panel discussions and we aim for these to become quarterly events. In this role, you’ll work with the team to curate the panel discussions and host them: including inviting speakers, looking for sponsors, working on logistics. This is not limited to panel discussions and we certainly want to create fun and interesting events that encourage participation from our community.

3. Website + Database builder: You’ll be responsible for maintaining and improving the existing website as well as database management of our audience. We have ideas of what we would like the website to become, so this role requires someone with some knowledge of WordPress and database management.

4. Projects + Initiatives Coordinator: We have several upcoming initiatives we want to start. So in this role, not only will you be helping to launch the projects, you’ll be helping with implementation of these projects. More importantly, in this role, we’re looking for you to also come up with new ideas and initiatives. This role will require someone with a degree of project management experience.

Even if you don’t have the time, please do forward and share this amongst friends. If interested, do contact Alicia at wise@wisewomenhk.com. Thank you so much and looking forward to the opportunity to grow this community of women in sports in Hong Kong!

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