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Women in Sports Empowered Hong Kong

Launched as a volunteer-initiative to promote sports to women and girls in Hong Kong.


January 2017

Incorporated in Hong Kong as a company limited by guarantee. 

October 2017

Received our charitable S88 tax-exempt status (IR91/16449).

December 2020

Launched our W.E. Families Program; our first series of activities delivered sports to families in the refugee and asylum seeker community. 

April 2021

Piloted a version of our Sports Leadership Program focusing on girls aged 12 - 17. 

July 2021

Launched our S.H.E mentoring program for young adult women aged 18 - 24

October 2021

Launched our A.C.E program for teenage girls aged 12 - 17 at a local secondary school

January 2022

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