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RTHK Interview with WISE: Operation Santa Claus

RTHK Interview with WISE: Operation Santa Claus

[Children & Youth] Women In Sports Empowered Hong Kong

Women In Sports Empowered Hong Kong Limited (WISE) envisions a world where women and girls can thrive without limitations. Our mission is to educate, empower and connect women and girls to realize their aspirations through sports and lead active, meaningful and self-fulfilled lives. We use sports as a tool for gender empowerment to drive the equality agenda in all areas such as workplace, education, community, and advocate enhancing women and girls’ leadership in and through sport, with the aim to achieve gender equality and a diverse and inclusive culture in Hong Kong.

Project Name

Yeah! Girls Stand Up!

Project Summary

Sports are among the best ways to support youth’s physical, mental and social health.

Harmful behaviors such as bullying, and symptoms of mental health distress have increased among youth. One reason for anti-social behaviors is lack of academic confidence and satisfaction, while the pandemic has reduced many youths’ social interactions.

Yeah! Girls Stand Up! combines sports with education on emotional regulation and anti- bullying. We aim to support girls to get active for wellbeing, develop positive mindsets and coping mechanisms for negative emotions and understand personal space and rights. Ultimately, we aim to enhance girls’ self-esteem while fostering positive relationships.


300 teenage girls in Secondary 1-3, aiming primarily at Band 3 schools

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