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Join our 134 Challenge for Women Empowerment throughout March 2025! 加入我們的「134挑戰」,在3月一起為女性賦權而努力!

Based on the latest UN Global Gender Gap Report, it’ll take 134 years to achieve gender parity. At WISE, we’re committed to breaking barriers and empowering women and girls. This International Women’s Day, we invite you to join us in harnessing the power of physical activity and sport by taking part in the 134 Challenge!

So what do you need to do?

We challenge you to either individually, or by forming a team of 2 - 6 people, achieve a minimum of 134 hours of physical activity in the month of March 2025. By being active and engaging in movement, you can contribute to #accelerateaction for #iwd2025 and make progress towards achieving gender parity!

Here's the catch - FREE ENTRY!! This challenge isn't about fundraising, it’s simply to get people moving and creating a collective impact on the society. Make sure to follow us on Strava & we will follow you back! If you aren’t on Strava, you can also sign up using the google form in our bio. Share with your friends and family and tell them to join us!

加入WISE 「134挑戰」

根據聯合國全球性別差距的最新報告,實現性別平等需要134年。睿動香港致力於打破障礙並賦予婦女和女孩權力。在這個國際婦女節,我們邀請您與我們一起參加 134 挑戰賽,利用體育活動和運動的力量!


我們向您發起挑戰,邀請您在 2025 年 3 月期間單獨或組成 2 - 6 人的團隊,完成至少 134 小時的體力活動。透過運動您可以為#IWD2025 #AccelerateAction, 促進性別平等!💪✨

更重要的是 - 參加134挑戰無需入場費或籌款。睿動香港只是鼓勵參與運動,玩的開心。我們可以共同對社會做些貢獻,推動身心健康,性別平等。請在 Strava 上關注我們,我們會關注您!與您的朋友和家人分享這次的134挑戰!

29 November

A Very WISE Christmas

6 March

JLLxHandsONxWISE International Women’s Day Workshop