Women In Sports Empowered Hong Kong

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WISE S.H.E. Program 2022 Mentee‘s Testimonials

Last month, our mentees graduated from the 2022 S.H.E mentoring program. They were so inspired by the program. Take a look at how they feel about this experience!

One of the mentees expressed that she enjoyed the program greatly and would suggest others to connect in a supportive environment, meet new people and grow together! Another mentee also said that she learned how sport changes her mindset and benefitted her future career. What’s more? The program also helps her to build up a women’s sports network and find more like-minded friends.

We are so glad that our program benefitted these young girls a lot! Hope all the mentees continue to thrive!

(2022睿動S.H.E. 師友計劃學員感想)

Esther於12月正式喺2022睿動S.H.E. 師友計劃畢業啦!快啲睇下佢喺計劃入面有咩啓發同感受啦!

2022睿動S.H.E. 師友計劃學員Esther: