Volunteer Recruitment: WISE School Based Workshop 義工招募: 睿動校園工作坊
WISE is seeking volunteers who can support our local-school programs from February 2025 to June 2025. Students in our programs are currently aged 12 - 14 and are of all genders. Volunteers will be tasked with assisting our facilitators in smaller group activities, such as encouraging students’ participation in discussions, explaining activities if students did not understand the instructions for the activities, and generally being supportive to students. If you are interested to interact with youths, we sincerely welcome you to volunteer for us!
WISE正在尋找能夠在 2025 年 2 月至 2025 年 6 月支援本機構學校工作坊的義工。工作坊義工的任務包括協助我們的導師進行小組活動,例如鼓勵中學生參與討論,協助學生理解活動內容為學生提供支持。如果你有興趣與青少年互動,我們誠邀你成為我們的義工!
How to apply?
If you are interested to be a volunteer for WISE, please fill in the form Or apply on Social Career
如有興趣成為睿動校園工作坊的義工,請填妥 表格 或於 社職Social Career 上報名
We prioritise volunteers who
have Chinese language capabilities
Volunteers would need to be available during school hours for 65 - 90 minutes per time (excluding travel time). The actual time depends on the duration of the class, which differs by school.
Volunteers who support us for a minimum of 3 sessions will receive a Certificate of Volunteering at the end.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a 30-minute online interview
Successful applicants will be invited to join one of two of our in-person training session, which will tentatively be held on 15 and 22 February 2025 in Sheung Wan
*Due to the volunteer nature of this activity, we are unable to provide volunteer subsidies
How to apply?
If you are interested to be a volunteer for WISE, please fill in the form Or apply on Social Career
每次活動需要出席大約 65 - 90 分鐘(不包括車程時間),具體時間學校安排而異。
入圍申請者將被邀請參加 30 分鐘的線上面試
如有興趣成為睿動校園工作坊的義工,請填妥 表格 或於 社職Social Career 上報名