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136 Challenge

Start time 2022-03-01
Finished Time 2022-03-08

We are inviting people to form teams and take part in our International Women’s Day 2022 challenge! 

What’s the challenge?

From the 1st – 8th March, we want your team to collectively move 136km. You could walk, run, hike, cycle or swim! 

Why 136km?

In 2021, the World Economic Forum released its Global Gender Gap Report. They stated that ​​” As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt, closing the global gender gap has increased by a generation from 99.5 years to 135.6 years”

At WISE, we believe that empowering women through sport and movement can help to close the gender gap, so we want to use this number and challenge it! Besides, if enough of your team takes part, 136km over 8 days is nothing! 

To take part?

Follow the images below!

Because you and your team don’t need to do anything physically together, this challenge adheres to all social distancing rules in Hong Kong. So, get your teammates involved, take lots of pictures, and smash your 136km from 1st – 8th March!